Sosok Sergey Brin memang menjadi salah satu pendorong pesatnya kemajuan Google dalam industri teknologi dunia. Simak kutipan sukses Sergey Brin berikut ini. Selamat membaca! Rubrik Finansialku Kutipan Sukses Sergey Brin#1 Too few people in computer science are aware of some of the informational challenges in biology and their implications for the world. We can store an incredible amount of data very cheaply.#2 Today, if you want to access a typical out-of-print book, you have only one choice – fly to one of a handful of leading libraries in the country and hope to find it in the stacks.#3 Before Google, I don’t think people put much effort into the ordering of results. You might get a couple thousand results for a query. We saw that a thousand results weren’t necessarily as useful as 10 good ones.#4 It is ironic since whenever I have met with our elected officials they are invariably thoughtful, well-meaning people. And yet collectively 90% of their effort seems to be focused on how to stick it to the other party.#5 We wouldn’t survive if people didn’t trust us.#6 We deal with all varieties of information. Somebody’s always upset no matter what we do. We have to make a decision; otherwise there’s a never-ending debate.#7 I am sometimes something of a lazy person, so when I end up spending a lot of time using something myself – as I did with Google in the earliest of days, I knew it was a big deal.#8 I’d like to get to a state where people think that if you’ve Googled something, you’ve researched it, and otherwise haven’t, and that’s it.#9 It’s a romantic notion that you’re going to have one brilliant idea and then everything is going to be great… but the execution and delivery are what’s key.#10 I feel there’s an existential angst among young people. I didn’t have that. They see enormous mountains, where I only saw one little hill to climb.#11 Generally, health is just so heavily regulated. It’s just a painful business to be in. It’s just not necessarily how I want to spend my time.#12 If you had all the world’s information directly attached to your brain, or an artificial brain that was smarter than your brain, you’d be better off.#13 In the future, search engines should be as useful as HAL in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey-but hopefully they won’t kill people.#14 We came up with the notion that not all web pages are created equal. People are – but not web pages.#15 It’s not enough not to be evil. We also actively try to be good.#16 When it’s too easy to get money, then you get a lot of noise mixed in with the real innovation and entrepreneurship. Tough times bring out the best parts of Silicon Valley.#17 Any conversation I have about innovation starts with the ultimate goal.#18 The name was supposed to be ‘Googol,’ which is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes. It was before the Google spellchecker existed.#19 Too many rules will stifle innovation.#20 We are currently not planning on conquering the world.#21 You can make money without doing evil.#22 As we go forward, I hope we’re going to continue to use technology to make really big differences in how people live and work.#23 Technology is an inherent democratizer. Because of the evolution of hardware and software, you’re able to scale up almost anything. It means that in our lifetime everyone may have tools of equal power.#24 Ultimately you want to have the entire world’s knowledge connected directly to your mind.#25 People try new things all the time. By now, the people who succeed have to be very sophisticated.Kutipan Sukses Sergey Brin#1 Too few people in computer science are aware of some of the informational challenges in biology and their implications for the world. We can store an incredible amount of data very cheaply.Terlalu sedikit orang dalam ilmu komputer yang menyadari beberapa tantangan informasi dalam biologi dan implikasinya bagi dunia. Kami dapat menyimpan jumlah data yang luar biasa dengan sangat murah. #2 Today, if you want to access a typical out-of-print book, you have only one choice – fly to one of a handful of leading libraries in the country and hope to find it in the stacks.Hari ini, jika Anda ingin mengakses buku yang sudah tidak dicetak lagi, Anda hanya memiliki satu pilihan – terbang ke salah satu dari segelintir perpustakaan terkemuka di negara ini dan berharap dapat menemukannya di tumpukan. #3 Before Google, I don’t think people put much effort into the ordering of results. You might get a couple thousand results for a query. We saw that a thousand results weren’t necessarily as useful as 10 good ones.Sebelum Google, saya tidak berpikir orang berusaha keras dalam memesan hasil. Anda mungkin mendapatkan beberapa ribu hasil untuk kueri. Kami melihat bahwa seribu hasil tidak selalu bermanfaat seperti 10 yang baik. #4 It is ironic since whenever I have met with our elected officials they are invariably thoughtful, well-meaning people. And yet collectively 90% of their effort seems to be focused on how to stick it to the other party.Sungguh ironis karena setiap kali saya bertemu dengan pejabat terpilih, mereka adalah orang-orang yang selalu berpikir baik dan bermaksud baik. Namun secara kolektif 90% dari upaya mereka tampaknya difokuskan pada cara menempelkannya ke pihak lain. #5 We wouldn’t survive if people didn’t trust us.Kami tidak akan bertahan jika orang tidak memercayai kami.[Baca Juga: Sang Pendiri Google yang Mendunia, Larry Page] #6 We deal with all varieties of information. Somebody’s always upset no matter what we do. We have to make a decision; otherwise there’s a never-ending debate.Kami menangani semua jenis informasi. Seseorang selalu marah, apa pun yang kita lakukan. Kita harus membuat keputusan; kalau tidak, ada debat yang tidak pernah berakhir. #7 I am sometimes something of a lazy person, so when I end up spending a lot of time using something myself – as I did with Google in the earliest of days, I knew it was a big deal.Saya kadang-kadang pemalas, jadi ketika saya menghabiskan banyak waktu menggunakan sesuatu sendiri – seperti yang saya lakukan dengan Google di awal hari, saya tahu itu adalah masalah besar. #8 I’d like to get to a state where people think that if you’ve Googled something, you’ve researched it, and otherwise haven’t, and that’s it.Saya ingin sampai pada keadaan di mana orang berpikir bahwa jika Anda mencari sesuatu di Google, Anda telah merisetnya, dan sebaliknya tidak, dan hanya itu. #9 It’s a romantic notion that you’re going to have one brilliant idea and then everything is going to be great… but the execution and delivery are what’s key.Sebuah gagasan romantis di mana Anda akan memiliki satu ide cemerlang dan kemudian semuanya akan menjadi hebat … tetapi eksekusi dan penyampaian adalah kuncinya. #10 I feel there’s an existential angst among young people. I didn’t have that. They see enormous mountains, where I only saw one little hill to climb.Saya merasa ada kecemasan eksistensial di kalangan anak muda. Saya tidak memilikinya. Mereka melihat gunung besar, di mana saya hanya melihat satu bukit kecil untuk didaki. #11 Generally, health is just so heavily regulated. It’s just a painful business to be in. It’s just not necessarily how I want to spend my time.Secara umum, kesehatan diatur dengan ketat. Ini hanya kesibukan yang menyakitkan untuk dilalui. Hanya saja belum tentu saya ingin menghabiskan waktu.[Baca Juga: Terus Menanjaki Kesuksesan Dengan Kata-kata Bijak Bill Gates] #12 If you had all the world’s information directly attached to your brain, or an artificial brain that was smarter than your brain, you’d be better off.Jika Anda memiliki semua informasi dunia yang langsung melekat pada otak Anda, atau otak buatan yang lebih pintar dari otak Anda, Anda akan lebih baik. #13 In the future, search engines should be as useful as HAL in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey-but hopefully they won’t kill people.Di masa depan, mesin pencari harus berguna seperti HAL dalam film 2001: A Space Odyssey-tapi semoga mereka tidak akan membunuh orang. #14 We came up with the notion that not all web pages are created equal. People are – but not web pages.Kami datang dengan gagasan bahwa tidak semua halaman web dibuat sama. Orang-orang – tetapi bukan halaman web. #15 It’s not enough not to be evil. We also actively try to be good.Tidak cukup untuk tidak menjadi jahat. Kami juga aktif berusaha menjadi baik. #16 When it’s too easy to get money, then you get a lot of noise mixed in with the real innovation and entrepreneurship. Tough times bring out the best parts of Silicon Valley.Ketika terlalu mudah untuk mendapatkan uang, maka Anda mendapatkan banyak kebisingan yang tercampur dengan inovasi dan kewirausahaan yang nyata. Masa-masa sulit memunculkan bagian-bagian terbaik Lembah Silikon. #17 Any conversation I have about innovation starts with the ultimate goal.Setiap percakapan saya tentang inovasi dimulai dengan tujuan akhir. #18 The name was supposed to be ‘Googol,’ which is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes. It was before the Google spellchecker existed.Nama itu seharusnya menjadi ‘Googol,’ yang merupakan istilah matematika untuk 1 diikuti oleh 100 nol. Itu sebelum pemeriksa ejaan Google ada.[Baca Juga: Kata-kata Motivasi Benjamin Graham: Menjadi Investor] #19 Too many rules will stifle innovation.Terlalu banyak aturan akan menghambat inovasi. #20 We are currently not planning on conquering the world.Kami saat ini tidak berencana menaklukkan dunia. #21 You can make money without doing evil.Anda dapat menghasilkan uang tanpa melakukan kejahatan. #22 As we go forward, I hope we’re going to continue to use technology to make really big differences in how people live and work.Seiring kami melangkah maju, saya berharap kami akan terus menggunakan teknologi untuk membuat perbedaan besar dalam cara orang hidup dan bekerja.[Baca Juga: Kata-kata Bijak Mario Teguh Untuk Calon Orang Sukses] #23 Technology is an inherent democratizer. Because of the evolution of hardware and software, you’re able to scale up almost anything. It means that in our lifetime everyone may have tools of equal power.Teknologi adalah demokratisasi yang melekat. Karena evolusi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, Anda dapat meningkatkan hampir semua hal. Ini berarti bahwa dalam hidup kita setiap orang dapat memiliki alat dengan kekuatan yang sama. #24 Ultimately you want to have the entire world’s knowledge connected directly to your mind.Pada akhirnya Anda ingin seluruh pengetahuan di dunia terhubung langsung ke pikiran Anda. #25 People try new things all the time. By now, the people who succeed have to be very sophisticated.Orang-orang mencoba hal-hal baru setiap saat. Sekarang, orang-orang yang berhasil harus sangat canggih. Anda dapat membagikan setiap artikel Finansialku kepada rekan atau kenalan Anda yang membutuhkan!Apabila Anda memiliki kesulitan dalam perencanaan keuangan, Anda dapat menghubungi Konsultan Perencana Keuangan Finansialku yang siap membantu Anda. Jika Anda memiliki saran, tanggapan atau pertanyaan, Anda dapat menuliskannya pada kolom yang telah tersedia di bawah ini. Terima kasih! Sumber Referensi:The Famous People. 41 Most Inspiring Sergey Brin Quotes. – Gambar:Sergey Brin 1 – Brin 2 – Brin 3 – Brin 4 –